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Eyepay multichain Payment System which also provides npm SDK. Our SDK offers Login feature and one click Payment for user .


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Project Description

EyePay: The Ultimate Multi-Chain Payment SDK for Seamless Web3 Integration

In the dynamic landscape of the digital economy, EyePay emerges as a groundbreaking Multi-Chain Payment SDK, empowering businesses to effortlessly integrate Web3 multi-chain payment solutions into their applications. EyePay redefines the way transactions are conducted, enabling companies to embrace the full potential of blockchain technology while providing a frictionless experience for users.

Key Features:

  1. Multi-Chain Flexibility: EyePay offers support for all blockchain networks, allowing businesses to cater to a broader user base. Whether it's Optimisum, Base, Polygon, Ethereum, or any other popular blockchain, EyePay seamlessly handles transactions across multiple chains.

  2. Smart Contract Integration: With EyePay, businesses can seamlessly integrate smart contracts into their applications, enabling automated and secure execution of predefined actions based on payment triggers.

  3. User-Friendly Experience: EyePay prioritizes user experience, making complex blockchain interactions simple and intuitive. Its user-friendly interface guides users through the payment process, ensuring that even those unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies can easily transact.

How it's Made


we are using world coin to make sure only real people can mint our nft which is used for payment

LayerZero and stargate

We are using the Stargate router to transfer tokens from our contract to the destination chain contract and the dstChain contract will send to the recipient address

#Our SDK

We made npm SDK for businesses to integrate Eyepay into their app.

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