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Exorcise Your GHO

Use your GHO/USDC and GHO/USDT liquidity positions as collateral to mint GHO

Exorcise Your GHO

Created At


Winner of


Aave - Integration Prize

Prize Pool


ETHGlobal - 🏆 LFGHO Finalist

Project Description

Free your GHO when you provide liquidity to support the token! This project is a facilitator to mint GHO against Uniswap V3 position NFTs for GHO/USDC and GHO/USDT.

  • Mint up to 90% of the value of your GHO liquidity positions
  • Loop your positions to collect even more swap fees
  • Why not supply liquidity when you can do it so cheaply?

Inspired by Defrost Finance on Avalanche (now defunct, but it was sweet while Avalanche Rush was going on) and the Aave v2 Ethereum AMM market. (also now defunct)

Exorcise Your GHO imposes no fees on minting against GHO liquidity positions because it's a tool to incentivize liquidity for GHO without the cost of providing staking rewards.

This is a chance for GHO go beyond the Aave v2 Ethereum AMM market. While this hackathon project allows minting with GHO liquidity positions as collateral, a further development could include allowing other liquidity positions as collateral, possibly with a different fee structure.

Another future enhancement could be a flashloan-powered tool for adjusting the position tick range without needing to repay minted GHO.

How it's Made

This project implements a GHO facilitator that allows minting GHO against GHO liquidity positions. This project uses Foundry for the contracts. Many libraries were imported from Uniswap V3 for calculating the position token amounts. Chainlink feeds are used to fetch the token prices. For this Sepolia demonstration since this facilitator is not approved by the Aave DAO, all GHO minted are using a fake GHO token.

The frontend uses ConnectKit and Next.js. It features a simple interface with a list of your positions and controls to mint/repay GHO. The page's color scheme adapts to your device's preference for light or dark mode. Permits are used for the position NFT as well as the GHO repayment, saving users from needing to submit approval transactions.

ChatGPT helped with the logo and grapics as well as throughout for the more generic elements, noted using comments where applicable.

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