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EVMtrace aims to shed light on adopting cryptography on chains. Collecting data with techniques like tracing, tracking precompiles, pattern recognition, and manual works. EVMtrace provides a user-friendly dashboard and etherscan-like tools.


Created At

Circuit Breaker

Winner of

ETHGlobal - 🏆 Circuit Breaker Finalist

Project Description

EVMtrace aims to shed light on adopting cryptography on chains. Collecting data with techniques like tracing, tracking precompiles, pattern recognition, and manual works. EVMtrace provides a user-friendly dashboard and etherscan-like tools.

Our platform tracks the usage of cryptographic precompiles, namely ecRecover, ecAdd, ecMul, and ecPairing. We analysed the usage pattern of popular cryptography techniques like Groth16 or Plonk and used them to label contracts efficiently. We also build our version of the 4bytes directory from a contract source code to cover missing selectors. We manually label contracts with the application groups (bridge, L2, etc) and protocol names.

We provide a scan-like interface where users can see real-time transactions, filter by cryptography usage, or find contracts based on tags. We also have a cryptography adoption dashboard that tracks usage statistics.

We support Arbitum, Base, Ethereum, Optimism, and Scroll.

How it's Made

we build our data pipeline in rust to directly extract data from RPC, and consume chainbase's data via kafka. we also used radis to handle cache.

our database is gcp cloud sql

our backend is pure rust web framework using tokio + hyper + axum hosting on GCP serverless.

our frontend is nextjs + chakraui

our analytic done in python.


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