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Even Cost

Permisionless investement instrument opening possibilities for cutomers to set up investement plan based in different startegies. First strategy we implemen is dollar cost average.

Even Cost

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

Cryptocurrencies are gradually becoming a more mature asset to invest in and build a long-term portfolio. With our dapp we will give users the opportunity to build their long-term portfolio in an automated and gradual way using the DCA (dollar cost averaging) strategy. We offer the possibility to create convenient custom plans for regular investment up to investing the same amount every hour, which in the end will give the most favorable average price of the asset.

How it's Made

We have build MVP for this hackathon to prove than users can create investment plans in permisionless manner using solidity smart contract. User creates Plan and after that anyone acn trigger public function which will execute all plans.

Networks: Optimism, Base, Mode

ui: react/nextjs wallet: walletConnect web3: ethersjs + wagmi

smart contract is implemented in solidity

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