Developer Tools to manage and monitor drones, UAVS and medical embedded devices for cost effective healthcare delivery, patient monitoring, first aid medical delivery, remote island monitoring and integrated water management.
Developer Tools to manage and monitor drones, UAVS and medical embedded devices for cost effective healthcare delivery, patient monitoring, first aid delivery. Monitoring tools for water management and reducing water wastage. Crowdsourcing information sharing for healthcare delivery, better and cleaner drinking water, Remote Water Monitoring, Recyclability of Water.
The technology solution is designed specifically to address the needs of the water, health and environment eco-system comprising of civic bodies, water management units, hospitals, environment and health ministry, laboratories, citizens, R&D organizations and improve the operational efficiencies.
Just in Time service Availability of city’s health and water records suffering from environmental issues across different stakeholder through secure blockchain network.
Record Management Quality documentation reduces the issues regarding implementation of health and water management policies.
Research Research laboratories can use the data for diagnosis of water borne diseases, suggesting personalized action to water treatment plants.
Web Application Cloud-based web application with a chat-based interface for quick water wastage attention. It can also be used for environment protection and steps to reduce the issues.
Transparency Insurance agencies can utilize the data to provide customized house insurance plans to the customer. Ground water levels are at an all time low.
Better Management Practices Journal of water usage records covering complete city history improve the policy implementation and help define stringent rules towards saving water.
Our solution powered by Ethereum eco-system has the following features:
•Detection : Identifying the drones & UAVs in the video feed using object detection.
•Discovery : Logging the identities of the drones & UAVs flying in a particular air space at any instant of time, using exchange of unique identifiers.
•Geo-fencing : Discovering unlawful presence and raising alarms using the detection & discovery data.
•Monitoring : Looking out and reporting incidents based on event detection in visual data.
•Analysis : Analyzing route patterns and incidents.
•Drone Incident Reporting : Publish drone incident reports, preventive measures and remediation using a decentralized twitter application over the Ethereum blockchain network and Embark Tools.
How it works:
Camera Management: Add/edit/delete cameras with a front end application with NFTPorts integration, NFT.Storage (IPFS/Filecoin) for snapshots of road incident, Sequence wallet for toll ticketing, neume for data retrieval.
Object Detection using open source AWS solutions and Pytorch/Tensorflow deep learning library using CNN neural networks.
Video analytics configuration using NFT.Storage, Litprotocol for security and neume for data retrieval.
Live streaming with Object Detection Video Analytics using open source AWS for streaming, Litprotocol for security and NFT.Storage for snapshots.
Alarm storage using Ethereum. Save/delete alarm metadata and image to/from IPFS using NFT.Storage. Store the hash returned from IPFS to Ethereum test network using NFT.Storage. Provide links to alarms and blockchain transaction details.
Alarm Viewer: Add alarms with a single touch. Open the Alarm Settings menu from the home page. Add an alarm, set the wallpaper or choose an alarm tone. You can also delete an existing alarm.
We utilize the SAP UI5, Fiori platform, Polygon blockchain, NFTPort, IPFS/Filecoin via NFT.Storage, XMTP, Tableland to built the platform solution along with Aave governance protocol for enabling scaling via Optimistic rollup technology. We also utilized Ethereum blockchain for developing a decentralized rating and review system for drones used by infrastructure service providers.
Our platform solution offers an Artificial Intelligence-based object detection system that utilizes blockchain solutions for sorting information obtained from a variety of drone cameras deployed at monitoring spots.
Governance of Drones and UAVs using Aave protocol: A decentralized survey for drone ratings by users using a governance solution built with Aragon plugins at the core is done at key intervals and its onchain voting snapshots enable credibility of ratings. We can enable our smart contracts read the storage of any contract at a given block. This enables on-chain voting, airdrops on Ethereum and Polygon. We allow government agencies, civic bodies and community citizens to be owner of the drones using Near Protocol. We are using Aave cross chain bridges to extend drone governance to other blockchain networks like Optimism and Arbitrum.
We are using Superfluid as a token streaming protocol that lets UAV users and consumers create streams of tokens fluidly between addresses. This will enable effective incentivization, management and communication setup for Drones utilized in Operations and Maintenance. We are extending Superfluid’s streaming tokens with UMA’s KPI Options: Perpetual Conditional Rewards (PCR) tokens that combine Superfluid’s programmable cashflows with UMA’s KPI option concepts. UAV Users and administrators would receive immediate benefits and feedback based on how that KPI was doing. Immediate feedback like this would be highly motivating.
Our platform will provide the requisites features to share security conditions and remotely monitor the management policies in a place using used and broken phones and tablets, alarm clocks, internet connection, sync service, integration with IP cameras, raise safety alarms. The cost of deployment and added technology is limited which could help the businesses living in a variety of geographical regions.
We have developed our solution based on a variety of blockchain protocols and solutions. We are using Optimistic rollup technology to enable scaling of the decentralized public goods mobility network and effective management and communication setup for Drones utilized in Operations and Maintenance across multiple regions. Drones can be effectively utilized for building operations, inspection and maintenance and safer and more efficient surveys.
We are also using WorldCoin to enable multi-region distribution of the public goods and incentivizing maintainers for effective management.
NFT Supply: A short URL using unstoppable domains to redirect users to an NFT domain simply and quickly. We can use this domain as a search engine to access NFT domains via our browser search.