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ETHGlobal ID

Allowing users of any wallet to undergo verification to ensure they are not criminals, sex offenders, or on fraud lists. Suitable for decentralized KYC processes.

ETHGlobal ID

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Project Description

ETHGlobal ID marks a significant milestone in the world of decentralized identity verification, laying the groundwork for a new era of decentralized Know Your Customer (KYC) processes that can be applied to any wallet. Here's a detailed look at its inception and broader context:

The Beginning of ETHGlobal ID

ETHGlobal ID was conceived with the idea of verifying users of ETHGlobal before hackathons and utilizing the same as an ID/badging system for future ETHGlobal events. The concept transcends traditional KYC methods by allowing any wallet user to complete user verification, ensuring they are not involved in criminal activities, fraud, or other malicious behaviors.

Technology Stack

To get up and running quickly, the project leverages scaffold-eth, a development stack that simplifies the creation of decentralized applications. Additionally, Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) contracts are imported to create a schema and an attestation that verifies the authenticity of the ETHGlobal user.

Integration with Onfido

For the initial phase, Onfido, a renowned identity verification provider, was chosen to test the system. Onfido's technology enables quick and accurate verification, aligning with the project's goals.

Future Plans and Long-term Goals

Post-hackathon, there are plans to replace Onfido with an SDK being developed at Cerebrum. This change is part of a broader vision to expand the codebase into a decentralized KYC system that can be utilized by any DAO, exchange, or other decentralized entities.


ETHGlobal ID represents a pioneering effort in the field of decentralized identity verification. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and aligning with the principles of decentralization, it sets the stage for a more secure and inclusive verification process. The long-term goal of growing this into a universal decentralized KYC system underscores its potential to reshape the way identity verification is conducted across various decentralized platforms.

How it's Made

Certainly! Here's an in-depth look at how the ETHGlobal ID project was built, covering the technologies, integrations, and some unique aspects of the development process:

Technologies Used:

  1. Scaffold-eth: This was the backbone of the project, providing a rapid development environment for Ethereum. It allowed for quick prototyping and testing, streamlining the development process.
  2. Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) Contracts: These were used to create a schema and an attestation, ensuring that the ETHGlobal user is genuine. It's a crucial part of the decentralized verification process.
  3. Onfido: For the first pass, Onfido's identity verification service was integrated. It provided a robust and reliable way to verify user identities.

Piecing It Together:

  1. Integration with scaffold-eth: Starting with scaffold-eth allowed for a quick setup of the development environment, including smart contract compilation, testing, and front-end integration.
  2. Implementing EAS Contracts: The EAS contracts were customized and deployed to create a unique schema for ETHGlobal users. This schema was used to attest to the authenticity of the users.
  3. Onfido Integration: Onfido's APIs were integrated into the system to handle the actual identity verification. Its technology provided a seamless way to verify users against various databases and lists.
  4. Decentralized KYC Process: The entire system was designed to work with any wallet, making it a truly decentralized KYC solution. It can be adapted for various decentralized organizations, exchanges, and more.

Sponsor Technologies:

For this project, we made contracts to be deployed on Optimism and Base, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of the system. We're also exploring ways to use Chainlink to revoke attestations based on real-world data, such as criminal offenses or being listed as a sex offender. This integration would allow for dynamic and responsive verification processes. While we considered using Worldcoin, it was determined that the technology was not yet sufficiently developed for our needs at this stage.

Notable Hacks:

One of the unique aspects of this project was the way it combined traditional identity verification (Onfido) with decentralized technologies (EAS contracts). This hybrid approach allowed for a robust and flexible system that can be further expanded and customized.

Future Plans:

The project has a roadmap that includes replacing Onfido with an SDK being developed at Cerebrum and growing the code into a universal decentralized KYC system.


ETHGlobal ID is a testament to innovative thinking and skillful integration of various technologies. By leveraging scaffold-eth, EAS contracts, and Onfido, it has created a decentralized KYC system that has the potential to revolutionize identity verification in the decentralized space. Its adaptability and vision for the future make it a standout project in the field of decentralized technologies.

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