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EtherStark Connect

Explore the ultimate gateway to Ethereum and Starknet with our app. Seamlessly log in with multiple wallets, bridge assets between networks, and manage multiple wallets effortlessly.

EtherStark Connect

Created At


Winner of

Voyager - Voyager API

Prize Pool

Dynamic - Pool for projects which use Dynamic

Prize Pool

Project Description

Deployed on and currently only works on Ethereum sepolia and Starknet sepolia.

Discover the ultimate gateway to Ethereum and Starknet with this app. Users can log in with cross chain wallets, bridge assets between networks, and manage multiple wallets with ease Our user profile widget consolidates transactions and token balance and more to come.

How it's Made

This uses React on the frontend. The auth and sign in with wallets is using Dynamic. Starknet transactions are fetched using Voyager. The Starknet STRK token balance is fetched using rpc endpoint from nethermind with Voyager. App is deployed using Vercel. For bridging the token, we leverage the connector provider from Dynamic

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