ETHernal Reviews

Dapps rating platform. Only users that interacted with a certain Dapp can rate it. User logs in with an ETH address. Users can evaluate a project only if there is an activity at his address with relevant contract addresses. This should guarantee that just real users rate Dapps.

ETHernal Reviews

Created At


Winner of

🏆 ETHBogota Finalist

1️⃣ WalletConnect — 🥈 v1.0 Track

Project Description

Current state

  • Users can review one project for now as an example: ENS protocol.
  • Database of reviews is centralised.
  • Log in with Ethereum address.

Next steps

  • Another Dapps implemented (Aave, Uniswap...).
  • Reviews are stored on the blockchain as an NFTs - with the text of the review on IPFS. Every review is minted to the user address so no one can ever hide them. The frontend just checkes the NFTs that we mined and are stored on the address. Considering Optimism or Polygon.
  • Log in with Polygon ID.

How it's Made

This project uses Web3Modal to connect to the website of reviews. We used Fast API and Vue on the frontend and backend is build in Python. As the example solution we choosed ENS to demonstrate how the verifying of a capable address will work - one of possible ways how to scan the activity on the address to check if it is valid to evaluate the project.

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