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Ethereum Credit Bureau

Ethereum Credit Reporting Agency is the global base layer for on-chain credit data

Ethereum Credit Bureau

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Project Description

Web3-Native Credit Bureau A decentralized cross-chain credit bureau designed to allow whitelisted protocols to submit credit reports for addresses and retrieve credit histories across multiple chains for better underwriting.

Features 🌟 Whitelisting of addresses to control report submissions. Support for multiple types of credit lines, including uncollateralized, collateralized, and overcollateralized. Duration categorization into fixed and revolving. Cross-chain functionality supported by Chainlink's CCIP. Viewable credit summaries, including the length of credit history, total open credit lines, and more.

How it's Made

Smart Contracts 📜 CreditBureau: Main contract responsible for handling credit reports and summaries. SatelliteCreditBureau: Helper contract to simplify Chainlink CCIP cross-chain calls. Usage 💡 Whitelist addresses using the toggleWhitelist function. Submit credit reports for addresses via the submitCreditReport function. View credit summaries using the viewCreditSummary function. To make cross-chain calls, use the helper contract's submitCreditReport method, ensuring that Chainlink CCIP data like destination chain and address are correct.

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