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This web3 decentralized app enables users to book appointments with clinic doctors using blockchain storage. It provides a user-friendly dashboard for patients to manage appointments while allowing doctors to efficiently handle scheduling and appointment management.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

EtherCare is a comprehensive hospital management system that provides a seamless experience for both patients and doctors. Patients and doctors can securely log in to access their appointment records and medical information. Patients have the ability to save and manage their medical records within the system.

One of the key features of EtherCare is the appointment booking functionality. Patients can conveniently schedule appointments based on the availability of their preferred doctors. The system ensures that appointment records are updated in real-time, allowing patients and doctors to stay informed about their scheduled appointments.

To streamline the process, EtherCare includes a notification system. When a patient books an appointment, the respective doctor receives a notification, ensuring timely communication and coordination.

With EtherCare, managing hospital appointments and medical records becomes effortless, providing a user-friendly interface for patients and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare services.

How it's Made

For the EtherCare project, we utilized React and JavaScript for the frontend development. React allowed us to build a dynamic and responsive user interface, while JavaScript provided the necessary functionality and interactivity. We integrated various component libraries to enhance the UI and streamline development.

On the backend and middleware side, we employed JavaScript to handle server-side logic and data processing. This included handling API requests, managing authentication, and facilitating communication between the frontend and backend.

The most crucial aspect of the project was implementing the Smart Contracts using Solidity. We designed and modified the structure and functions of the contracts to ensure efficient data storage and retrieval on the Blockchain. The Smart Contracts were deployed using Remix and tested on the Goerli network to verify their functionality and reliability.

Although we didn't rely heavily on sponsor technologies for this project, we leveraged existing libraries and frameworks within the React and JavaScript ecosystem. These tools provided valuable features and functionalities, speeding up development and ensuring code quality.

Throughout the development process, we strived for clean and maintainable code. While there weren't any notable hacky solutions in this project, we focused on adhering to best practices and following standard development methodologies to ensure a robust and scalable application.

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