A Marketplace for Prompt Secured Through Cross Chain Protocols and Proof of Personhood.
This project makes use of proof of personhood to identify to secure and ensure that the prompt is indeed generated by a human. Generates a Proof from the prompt input, send the Prompt Proof along with the World ID and Owner Wallet Address Across multiple networks. Makes use of Mina Protocol to verify the proof. Upon Receiving the message from the target network, it then conducts AI Generated Content (AIGC), loads it up to IPFS and finally stores the information on the receiving network's contract. Because every prompt is tied to a unique human data analytics could be done on the network.
We made use of Worldcoin so that we can accurately tell that every input was provided by a human. We made use of Wallet Connect to link the user's wallet. We made use of Layer0 and ChainLink to send the cross-chain message (Proof, World-ID, Wallet Address) over to multiple networks. We do an additional verification with MINA's ZK-Proof Protocol. Then the AIGC kicks in when the target network's contract receives the message. At this point we have locked in the relation of the prompt and the AIGC output. Anyone can purchase the prompt and pay back the owner on his original wallet address.
We were running out of time, so we made use of a centralised database.