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ETH Movie Voting

The ETH Movie Database is a decentralized app built with React and Ethereum. It allows users to vote on movies transparently via MetaMask, recording votes on-chain for a secure, tamper-proof ranking system. A showcase of blockchain's potential in entertainment

ETH Movie Voting

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

The ETH Movie Database is a decentralized web application designed to let users rank and vote on movies in a transparent and secure manner. Built as a user-centric platform, it allows users to connect their Ethereum wallet using MetaMask and cast votes on a curated list of movies. The votes are recorded directly on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring immutability and preventing tampering or manipulation.

The application presents users with detailed movie information, including titles, release years, and posters. Users can upvote or downvote movies based on their preferences, and the app dynamically updates the movie rankings based on the community's interactions. The goal is to provide an engaging and transparent voting experience, showcasing how blockchain technology can be applied in entertainment.

How it's Made

The ETH Movie Database is developed using React for the frontend, enabling a dynamic and responsive user interface. It integrates with the Ethereum blockchain using the ethers.js library for Web3 interactions. The application relies on MetaMask as the Ethereum provider, allowing users to securely connect their wallets and interact with the smart contract.

Technical Details:

Frontend: Built with React, the app displays a list of movies with images and current rankings. Users interact with the app through buttons to upvote or downvote, and the state updates in real-time based on the blockchain data. Smart Contract: The application’s smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum network. It manages the voting logic, recording votes securely on-chain. The contract provides functions to upvote, downvote, and retrieve vote counts for each movie. State Management: The app uses React’s state management to keep track of movie data. When the user connects their wallet and votes, the frontend interacts with the smart contract to update the votes and rankings, ensuring the UI reflects the latest state from the blockchain. Blockchain Interaction: MetaMask is used for user authentication and wallet connection. The app creates a Web3Provider using ethers.js to interact with the smart contract. Upon wallet connection, the app fetches and displays the latest voting data from the blockchain. The ETH Movie Database showcases the potential of decentralized applications (dApps) and emphasizes secure, community-driven content ranking through blockchain technology.

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