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Estuary allows you to permissionlessly setup ERC20 token streams. It can be used to pay on-chain salaries or create vesting schedules.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🥇 NeonEVM — Best Use

Project Description

Estuary is a simple application that allows you to stream ERC20 tokens.

Using the app you can create a new stream by entering its recipient, token, amount and duration. By creating a stream, you are locking the full amount in the Estuary contract. The tokens will unlock linearly for the recipient until the full duration has passed. The recipient can claim the unlocked amount as often as they want but they must wait for the stream to end to receive all the tokens. Streams can be used to pay on-chain salaries or create token vesting schedules.

How it's Made

This project has a frontend and smart contract. The contracts are written in Solidity, tested using foundry and deployed on the Neon Devnet using hardhat.

The frontend is a React app set up with vite. It uses typescript, the free version of Chakra UI for the components, wagmi and viem for interfacing with the contracts, Fontawesome icons via react-icons and moment.js for handling timestamps.

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