Purchase tokenized stocks and equities from our platform. Buy fractionalized or complete tokenized shares at the best rates.
This project allows you to buy tokenized stocks and equities. These stocks are bought off-chain on a broker account and the corresponding number of tokens are minted on user's address on-chain. Users will first have to verify themselves through world-id and then login with their email/phone or their wallet. Users can buy any tokens of their choice and sell them anytime, while the minimum withdrawn amount should be greater than or equal to 50 USDC.
Users will first have to verify themselves through World ID, proof of humanhood. Then they can either connect their socials like email/phone etc and generate a new wallet or connect their existing wallet to the project. This is handled by Dynamic Sdk. After that users can purchase any tokenized asset of their choice. These assets are purchased in Alpacca broker account from api calls through Chainlink's Functions and a collateral ration of 200% is maintained on smart contract level such that for every purchase of token there should be more than twice of liquidity should be present in broker's account. This validation is also handled through an on-chain API call. After that the corresponding number of tokens are minted on user's address and they can redeem these tokens whenever they want with a minimum withdrawl amount of 50 USDC.