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ENS Signatures on DocuSign with MyWalliD

We're bringing ENS into WalliD and DocuSign's integration for PDF signatures with ETH addresses

ENS Signatures on DocuSign with MyWalliD

Created At

NFTHack 2022

Winner of

🥇 Best use of ENS

Project Description

WalliD is an (HEUD)Ethereum-based wallet for ID assets that is compatible with Legacy and Decentralized ID protocols and enables users to authenticate on the web3 and verify those ID assets on webapps and dApps.

DocuSign is one of those webapps that integrated with WalliD in order to allow web3 users to use their document management platform and sign or request signatures for their documents with a proof-of-ID based on users Ethereum wallet addresses.

The integration between DocuSign and WalliD is complete and will be launched later this year. In this Hackathon's project we will be extending the solution in order to support ENS domains as proof-of-ID embedded in the PDF and verifiable on-chain. (

How it's Made

The full scope of this project is divided into 3 major components:

  1. Docusign's integration with MyWalliD wallet - already completed before the hackathon.

Docusign integrated with WalliD's API for webapps ID verifications and created a new premium product, available for their customers called "WalliD ETH addresses". The product will be launched later this year.

The integration between APIs enables users to connect with the platform frontend with MyWalliD wallet at the same time it also connects with DocuSign's API for hashing and signing PDF's metadata. It generates a self-signed certificate that is signed with the user's wallet address, hashed with the other elements of the proof-of-signature on DocuSign's backend and embedded in the PDF that is returned to the signers.

  1. MyWalliD's integration with ENS resolver - to be developed during the hackathon


On this hackathon we will be extending WalliD ETH signature features to support ENS domains as the ID asset used for the PDF signature.

By using the ethers module, set with our infura provider, we do a lookup with the user address to see if he has a ENS domain set as primary for his address in the mainnet, if so the plug-in resolves the browser extension display of the address with the domain. When using DocuSign's WalliD integration, the API will

first look for an ENS domain set as primary and resolved on MyWalliD for it's user address. The certificate is then signed with domain instead of the base address and embedded in the PDF.

  1. On-chain proof-of-ID - to be developed during the hackathon


In order to be developed within the timeframe of the hackathon we will building an hybrid version with centralised backend and smart contract for verification [go-live version will be on-chain with proof-of-ids as NFTs owned by the signers]

In this hybrid version, proof-of-signature will be stored in a centralised associated with an ID dervided from the PDF document hash.The proof-of-signature hash is stored on-chain at the same time.

Verification will occur on a webapp frontend by uploading the signed PDF to serve as an identifier on the database, rebuild the metadata for the hash and query the blockchain for verification.

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