ENS Intent Solver

ENS Intent Solver allows for batched auto-renewing ENS names using predetermined conditions

ENS Intent Solver

Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

Blockscout - Blockscout Explorer Big Pool Prize

Prize Pool

ENS - Best use of ENS

Project Description

A decentralized public good enabling gasless, automated ENS domain renewals through intent-based transactions and off-chain solvers.

Intent Management:

Users generate signed intents specifying: target ENS domain names, maximum price parameters (renewal fee + gas fee + solver reward), renewal conditions (expiration threshold, gas price threshold).

Off-Chain Infrastructure:

  • REST API endpoints for intent submission and validation
  • Local mempool implementation for intent storage and management
  • Continuous monitoring of: ENS domain expiration timestamps, Ethereum network gas prices, user token balances.

Value Proposition:

  • Eliminates manual renewal tracking
  • Reduces gas costs thanks to execution timing
  • Improves UX through gasless intent submission
  • Ensures ENS domains for individuals and important projects in web3 don't expire

How it's Made

User chooses ENS names that should be renewed every year and price he's willing to pay for each renewal(that should cover renewal fee + gas fees + solver reward). Intent task is then signed by the user in a wallet without having to pay any gas fees and is being relayed to the API which validates intent structure, user's token balance and stores it in local mempool. Once the conditions are met(e.g. ENS name expires in < 30 days or current gas fee is below certain treshold) the solver will automatically relay tx on-chain.

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