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ENS Dream Journal

Decentralized Dream Journal utilizing IPFS, ENS Reverse Lookup and WalletConnect

ENS Dream Journal

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

This application will allow users to create/own/view pages in a decentralized dream journal. At the moment, the ENS subdomain minting is not functional (and therefore the Graph Protocol retrieval of ENS subdomain data is also not functional). The current working version of this application includes the ability to save a dream entry to IPFS, and be able to display dream entry data as long as you have the IPFS hash handy. You are currently able to connect your wallet, and ENS reverse lookup is enabled. When creating a dream entry, your wallet address (or applicable ENS domain) is prepopulated as the author.

How it's Made

This project uses React JS for the frontend. Infura and the ethers library was used to retrieve on-chain data. For sponsor technology, I used WalletConnect which made connecting a wallet very easy. IPFS was also used for storing data. Utilizing IPFS allows me to save on high gas fees when storing large amounts of text, but stay decentralized. Future plans include finishing the smart contract to create subdomains/add a text record for the IPFS hash, as well as utilizing Graph protocol to query dreamjournal.eth subdomains that have been claimed (so you can view them all on the homepage)

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