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Dashboard to onboard and coordinate developers and stakeholders into retroactive public goods funding


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

Eneagon is a public template for a dashboard that lets mint public goods projects as NFTs, helps to coordinate development milestones, and matches developers' and stakeholders' objectives with governance for retroactive public good funding.

Any development team or organization can use Eneagon to manage their own projects, by fetching data from contracts deployed on Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, and Polygon networks, and a GitHub repository tied to GitHub Milestones to define the pending issues and tasks for 3 development stages.

Stakeholders will be able to mint soul bounded badges to donate funds on the 3 stages, and get token rewards if they have a worldcoin ID once the milestones and tasks are completed. Stakeholders will be able to vote on every stage to decide when to retroactive fund the developers.

How it's Made

Eneagon was built with a next.js app, it integrates ENS to identify ethereum addresses with a domain NFT, it uses IPFS through NFT storage to store project logos, it integrates worldcoin id to prove Stakeholders' personhood and delivers a token stream with superfluid to human soul bounded badge holders. Contracts were deployed on Optimism and Polygon testnets and it uses the graph for a stakeholders leaderboard.

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