A place where all spaces can be yours until someone removes them from you. A metaverse where players can insert information (as NFTs, self.id or custom data) in the map. Battles for spaces are simulated by chainlink VRF.
A 3d space where all places can be yours until someone removes them from you.
This dapp allows users to explore and modify an empty world by inserting data in it.
A Smart Contract was deployed to map coordinates in the world (x,z) into a URI, which can be a IPFS Hash from custom data with same NFT metadata standatard, an ENS (goerli testnetwork) domain name, an UNS domain name or a decentralized identity from Ceramic self.id. In the event of trying to insert data at an occupied position Chainlink VRF is used to simulate a coin flip (50% chance of replacing).
React - constructs the dapp; Groomet - react framework to help doing the user interface; ThreeJS - renders the 3d world and allows the user to explore it and interact with it; IPFS - gets data from ipfs, upload data to ipfs using nft.storage (custom data with NFT metadata pattern or ceramic self.id image) TheGraph - gets NFTs and ENS from connected wallet, get positions occupied by users data in the game (custom graph deployed at https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/henrique1837/empty-space); ENS - gets data from ENS domains (avatar, description, name) to display; UNS - allows user login with his UNS domain in order to insert it as the data source in the world; StreamR - allows connected users to send hello message to all possible connected users; Ceramic - used as data for decentralized identities inserted in the contract; Polygon Mumbai Testnetwork - game contract deployed at https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x441ea25a2cd3343fcd1e958c1bfcb0376ffa8b75 Chainlink VRF - simulates battle for the occupied space;