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Empowering Web3 Explorers: Where DAOs Meet, Minds Unite, and Knowledge Blossoms – Join the Huddle01 Revolution in DAO Education!


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Embark: Revolutionizing Web3 Education and Onboarding

Embark addresses critical challenges in the Web3 and DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) landscape, providing innovative solutions:

Embark on Seamless Onboarding: Simplify the entry into Web3 for new users. Say goodbye to daunting documentation and tutorials – with Embark, users connect directly with knowledgeable DAO delegates via decentralized video calls. It's the ultimate tool for swift and hassle-free onboarding to the world of Web3.

Embark on Real-Time Learning: using Huddle01, join live, one-on-one sessions or group sessions during DAO delegates' office hours. Enjoy personalized guidance, ask questions, and deepen your understanding of Web3 and DAO concepts.

Embark on Empowered Decision-Making: Delegate your voting power effortlessly. Connect with trusted delegates during educational sessions and actively participate in DAO decision-making.

Embark on On-Chain Recognition: Create on-chain NFTs as proof of a delegate's educational contributions. Embark on a journey where these NFTs contribute to a delegate's reputation score, paving the way for fair recognition and potential rewards within the DAO.

Embark on AI-Enhanced Support: Harness the power of an AI chatbot using meeting transcripts. Enjoy continuous support and information availability, ensuring a holistic learning experience even when delegates are unavailable.


How it's Made

First challaning things was, finding the right APIs to get the DAOs data, calling that APIs and that APIs were inconsistent and different for every dao

other thing is with finding the right AI model to cater the service, finding the right AI model which can transcript the meetings and let users chat over that transcripted meetings data. then we find good models to do this stuff and now the model is fine-tuned for the purpose.

other technical challenge we found is with Huddle01, saving the meetings on the server side but we eventually figured out later.

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