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A platform to launch 🚀 coins on Starknet chain hassle free.


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Project Description

To solve this issue we are coming up with the token launch pad where anybody who wants to launch a token, can do so without needing to know the technicalities behind it. Just with token symbol and a description about token and a logo for it, they can directly launch token on the go and once the launch they can promote it on all the social channels and based on the number of users trade it the market cap will be fluctuating, and as it reaches the target market cap, it will be automatically promoted to dex, So now since there is enough liquidity on the dex for the user to trade, the traction on the token will also increase and the more tokens which has a demand in the market will have enough liquidity to trade

How it's Made

Technical Details: Frontend : Nextjs boilerplate , Chart.js library, Dynamic auth sdk for wallet connect - Argent/Bravos Backend: Golang - using Startknet.go pkg and Sepolia rpc from Voyager Smartcontracts : Cairo2.0 deployed to Sepolia testnet and being called from backend by Openzepplin UDC functionality for cross contract communication. Deployment: Backend on Linux server and Frontend in Vercel

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