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Educate: Empowering Education, Engaging Students, Empowering Educators" encapsulates the essence of our platform. It signifies a transformative approach to education by providing a easy solution.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Educate addresses several key challenges in the educational landscape:

Engagement and Motivation: Traditional education sometimes lacks adequate mechanisms to keep students consistently engaged. Educate solves this by integrating a rewards system using NFT tokens, incentivizing active participation in quizzes and assignments, thereby boosting student motivation.

Data Management: Educational institutions often grapple with managing extensive student data efficiently. Educate streamlines this process, offering institutions a centralized platform to manage student information, grades, attendance, and course details effectively.

Teaching Efficiency: Educators face challenges in efficiently managing classes, grading, and conducting online sessions. Educate provides teacher-centric tools that simplify administrative tasks, allowing educators to focus more on teaching and student interaction.

Continued Learning: Inaccessibility to additional courses or learning materials can hinder a student's desire for continuous learning. Educate overcomes this barrier by allowing students to use earned NFT tokens as a currency to access supplementary courses, encouraging ongoing learning.

How it's Made

During the hackathon, our team encountered several significant challenges that impacted our progress. One of the primary issues revolved around the deployment of smart contracts using Arbitrum. The inadequate documentation created obstacles, particularly in the generation of the ABI key as JSON. This omission significantly hindered our ability to establish a connection with our Next.js project, disrupting the flow of our development process.

Additionally, the compatibility issues between the Push Protocol and our Next.js project posed a considerable setback. Specifically, difficulties arose when attempting to run node modules within the Next.js environment, causing disruptions and delays in implementing crucial functionalities.

Overcoming these obstacles demanded extensive troubleshooting and innovative problem-solving strategies. We worked diligently to bridge the gaps in documentation by exploring alternative resources and seeking assistance from the community. Furthermore, our team collaborated closely to devise workarounds and adapt our approaches to ensure the successful integration of components despite the compatibility challenges.

While these hurdles posed substantial challenges, they provided invaluable learning experiences. We honed our problem-solving skills, gained a deeper understanding of smart contract deployment intricacies, and fortified our ability to adapt swiftly in dynamic development environments. Through perseverance and teamwork, we ultimately navigated through these challenges and delivered a solution that showcased our resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

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