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Decentralized Food Stamp System EBT


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Project Description

The Food Stamp system in America is broken. We are going to use Ethereum to rebuild the food stamp system to help create a more inclusive and open EBT (Food Stamps) system. EBT is just another word for food stamps; originally it stands for Electronic Benefits Transfer. We will take the name over and make it crypto. EBT to ETH will decentralize the whole food stamps system and flip the system in its head.

There are many problems with the USA food stamp system. We will not try to fix them all. For this hackathon, we will focus on macro big dream /moon shoot ideas of how ETH can decentralize the whole food stamps system and particularly focus on UI interface that would highlight user experience in a decentralized food stamp system.

We would like to invite low-income people to use our app because 1. we want to give them access to this growing decentralized economies early 2. to increase their purchasing power through investment in crypto with risk control and 3. to enable online shopping using Food Stamp money in the future instead of having to show up in a physical store to buy food and necessity.

How it's Made

We start our dev with React framework and Grizzle from truffle for smart contract deployment and state management. Then, we spend the majority of time building out the frontend, including the user dashboard, swap tokens feature, and send EBT feature using a simple ERC-20 token contract. We tried to incorporate Aave and uniswap contract into our dApp but unfortunately, our team members don't have much experience in solidity development and thus did not finish debugging for those backend integration.

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