Easy ZK Audits

A platrofm that allows ZK audits on datasets between DS holder and auditors using Polygon's ZKEVM in such a way that the auditor doesn't see the data, but has a proof that is auditing the right data

Easy ZK Audits

Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Project Description

The project utilizes the ZKEVM on Polygon and allows mainly provides a seamles UI interface to perform ZK backed dataset audits for data that is too proprietary too see normally.

It is a NEXT js server that is talking with Polygon network (connected using dynamic.xyz) to store the ZK proves and hashes of the datasets under auditing. The dataset hash needs to be published because otherwise we we don't know whether we are auditing the right dataset.

How it's Made

I started working on it but got food poisoning at 6pm on Saturday and ended up in a hospital until past midnight - now am still every much still sick.

Unfortunately I only have boilerplate code and wireframes, I in the process of implementing the dynamic.xyz wallet integration to the NEXT.js server when I got seriously ill.

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