Easy Key is a simple payment solution using phone numbers & zk for authentication. Send and claim low-cost crypto payments with your contacts hassle-free.
Easy Key has multiple features. It lets you create a wallet based off your phone number and send tokens to other people with just their phone number. Allowing wallets to be made with just your phone numbers makes it easy to onboard the new users of crypto. We also make it easy to sign transactions by allowing using the Sms code from Twilio to sign the transaction. The goal of this service is not to compete with Ledger or Metamask but to allow people to feel the power of crypto before they get a ledger or any wallet like that.
On the backend we use Risc-Zero. For the frontend we use Vite and Twilio Sms authentication. We use ZKVM to prove sms authentication and we also use it to create a users wallet based off their phone number. Risc Zero made it easy to create the wallet for the user without revealing the details. This is really important because it will make it easy to onboard a new wave of users.