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Earth Ether

Earth Ether is a new decentralized Ethereum staking protocol which we hope will provide the easiest end-to-end experience for everyone on Earth to join the Ethereum community, learn about regenerative finance, and much more, without ever having to give up control of their assets.

Earth Ether

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Earth Ether is a new decentralized Ethereum staking protocol which we hope will provide the easiest end-to-end experience for everyone on Earth to join the Ethereum community, learn about regenerative finance, and much more, without ever having to give up control of their assets.

We built the protocol from the ground up to make use of lessons learned from earlier liquid staking protocols, improve new user experience to Ethereum, and provide a path towards the future of Ethereum, Web3, and humanity.

How it's Made

This project uses the following technologies:

  1. React/Redux front-end application (
  2. Wagmi/Wallet connect (Wallet Connect v2)
  3. Solidity smart contracts (using Forge)
  4. ERC20 and ERC1967Proxy for the Earth Ether token contract
  5. ERC1967Proxy for the Earth Staking Controller contracts
  6. Gnosis Safe Multisig for the Governance (2/3 multi-party DAO for technologists, impact entrepreneurs, and artists)
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