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Earn Your Story AI

Using AI to registering your most personal identity IP, based on your open tabs

Earn Your Story AI

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

A quick and easy way to monetize your personal identity IP.

Problem: Who am I?

Advertisers pay me good money if I can show who I am. Academic researchers yearn to know more about my behavioral patterns. And, I want AI to personalize my online user experience based on who I am.

I need a quick and bullet-proof way to define and sell my personal interest IP !

Solution: Creating a Story on Story.

I use the data that defines my most personal self: my browser tabs. To understand (!) and explain who I am - transparent, IP-protected, automated in 1 click, thanks to LLMs.

Now I only need a self-sovereign way to protect my personal identity: I register my identity as IP NFT on Story Protocol. This way my personal identity becomes IP, clearly attributed, and protected.

Finally, I sell My Story to advertisers and researchers who are curious to learn more about my interests. Protected by IP licensing terms - e.g. restricting commercial use, but allowing academic research.

How it's Made

The Chrome extension uses the Chrome API to read information such as open browser tabs. Only an extension has access to this personal data. The data then shows in your Chrome tab. GPT summarizes the titles of open browser tabs. A more private local LLM could be used, too, but doesn't quite work for demo purposes here. Then Story Protocol creates an NFT defining your personal interest.

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