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Access controls, encrypted file sharing, & seamless user notifications for download links was so satisfying 🔒🔑 No account needed! Your private key is generated & stored on your browser's local storage!


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

What: is a decentralized storage solution that allows for read permissions on data. Unlike and IPFS, which are public, enables you to determine who is able to decrypt and access the data based on on-chain conditions.

With this project, you can use to share files and restrict access so that only authorized wallets can decrypt the data stored on IPFS.

Motivation: The objective of this project is to create a decentralized, serverless file sharing solution that enables easy sharing of private data. While IPFS and are excellent solutions for decentralized serverless file storage, they lack the ability to share private data on their own. This project aims to fill that gap by allowing you to share private data on these services and specify who can access it through decryption.

How it's Made

This project leverages for encryption and access controls. XMTP is utilized to notify users that a file has been "sent" to them. This is accomplished through uploading the content, setting access control so that only their wallet can decrypt it, and providing them with a sharable link (hence the use of quotation marks around "sent").

The flow is similar to the web2 version of, but instead of using email notifications, it utilizes XMTP protocol to achieve a similar outcome.

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