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DSTREAM your one stop Entertainment adobe to Derivate assets from the digital data you create!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Dstream is a Web3 Ecosystem which enables people to buy and sell their digital video assets as NFT's in a video streaming platform along with the royalty and monetization benefits that entails the generated content, it also provides a way for Tokens of different aggregations to interfaced to create niche premium communities within the Web3Space.


  • Dstream will enable you to list your videos as NFT's in Dstreams's Ecosystem.
  • Content creators can opt to list their videos in a marketplace where other people can buy their content along with the monetization benefits for that content post the time of the sale contract.
  • Option to create a closed group of NFT based premium content community (Token Gated Community), where they can share or livestream.
  • Ad based revenue for consumers for their viewtime/adlength ratio.
  • Users in a peer group of different demographic regions can take up the role of content moderators of the platform, and the decisions made on reports of a platform are passed over by a consensus mechanism, based on the number of moderations the user can get rewards for the same.
  • Dstream provides an Web2 Extension that funnels users into the web3 space.

How it's Made

We started out with a vision to create a video sharing and streaming platform, We jumped right into the following as our initial problem statement, How to mint a video NFT? It was entirely CLI-oriented stuff Then We improvised into alternatives wrapped around with python/JS with REST API's.

In the Interim period, we attended the scaffold-eth workshop which helped us get familiarized with the dev environments used in web3space, at first we were working with truffle and ganache, later we slowly learned about hardhat and started migrated everything to hardhat.

We developed the PythonWrapper for REST API and created detailed documentation around it and learned how to push things to PyPI on a trial and error basis. Then finally we managed to deploy our flavor of Python wrapper for LivePeerSDK 1.0.

Then we took the help of a few experts, in a few AMA sessions and talks in discord, which helped us a lot in getting out first Web3App which was a basic video listing platform that has now evolved into DStream

over a period of 28 days. This has been one of the best learning experiences we have had so far in a hackathon. Right now we have evolved that 28 days project with two key Value props. For any web3 product to succeed user funneling is a key aspect. *We have been developing a Web2 extension for dstream in ethglobal hack which is our key target in this hack. *Integration of custom IPFS with pinata as an exploratory journey.

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