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Droids Quests

Droids Quests is a multi-game with NFT-evolutive in a world obsessed for details, games, puzzles, and fun. Each Droid has the power to create its own destiny, resulting in unique NFTs that represent each user while maintaining the rarity that defines the NFTs they love.

Droids Quests

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

Droids Quests is a game that features multiple games based on a collection of evolving NFTs. Similar to a game where the character evolves as you progress, Droids Quests saves the evolution of each Droid in its NFT. Users tend to care and love their PFP NFTs, and the same goes for characters in a game. NFTs are the perfect answer to blend these two worlds, transcending the gaming experience.

In Droids Quests, users can access multiple games and experiences, including card games, RPGs, and customizing their Droids' paint.

Games are central to the project, and the ability to include multiple games in Droids Quests allows for continually opening and closing new chapters, keeping the game always interesting.

Puzzles are key to keeping your mind sharp. For example, at the very beginning, players must find missing pieces to their droids in the open-world game DROID Junkyard in order to go to work and collect tokens in another game. The key to success is to be able to solve puzzles and move forward and backward in games without becoming frustrated.

The interoperability and flexibility that NFTs provide to move the character from one game to another and extend its life beyond the game is amazing! It enables incredible applications, such as the DROID Repair Shop, where players can try to convince the super busy Droid P4-R3IR (AI Powered) to stop working in its Workshop to help, and another incredible application, DROID Paint Shop, which allows players to paint their own Droids. There are many other applications like a marketplace, AR visualization, and more.

It is no secret that the game Zelda has had a significant influence on Droids Quests. Its adventure dynamic follows many discoveries, puzzles, and character evolution, making everything more addictive.

Key Points of Droids Quests:

  • Droids Quests has a collection of NFTs.
  • These NFTs are evolutive and customizable without losing rarity.
  • Droids Quests has many games.
  • A Token ERC20 will power the game for many tasks.
  • All the NFTs are PFP and have a 3D Dinamic GBL file.

How it's Made

The nature of this project requires pushing the limits of certain technologies. One example that fits well with this project is MUD with the Ethereum L2 blockchain Optimism. Even when using MUD in less obvious ways, it seems that this is the path that Lattice is also pursuing.

Droids Quests will use the Optimism network and MUD World/Store/Table and the database power to create the foundation of its world. All of our off-chain assets will use NFT.Storage as the primary storage and ZKML plugin for MUD will be tested and used to many aplications.

Although a lot of R&D is still ongoing, we already have a direction for the first two games and the first two applications that will use MUD, ZKML, and NFT.Storage:

  • DROID’s Junkyard | Game Open-world - where Droids have to search for parts that appear sporadically in the confusing world like "where's Waldo": a 2D game with MUD and Phaser. (Joining Kooshaba's workshop was quite enlightening, and the game can be built without problems).
  • DROID’s Work | Game/Application - Droids must team up with different abilities to extract the maximum token possible per day: We will use MUD/Three.js/React, which will be a mixture of game and application. Three.js will provide a 3D RPG interface for each work category. The user can control their character in the 3D environment and perform tasks. React will be used as a base to handle the logic wirt MUD.
  • DROID’s Repair Shop | Application - Usually, as parts wear out over time and need to be replaced, this is also a place where upgrades can be made: an application with MUD and React, where we have a chat interface with the shop owner "Droid P4-R3IR." For this, we want to use ZKML to create a language model and give life to the droid, where it is always too busy to help.
  • DROID’s Paint Shop | Application - Users can customize their droid's paint: MUD/React for interface and logic. Here, Babylon JS can also be used, where in its latest version, there is the possibility of painting directly on the geometry of the Droids. GBL, the new texture, is processed and saved in NFT.Storage.

Since there are many applications, we will always use various frameworks. But the choice of bases is what is important for the project. Therefore, Optimism as a quick L2 solution to execute applications, MUD as a perfect framework and database, and NFT.Storage for off-chain storage of our assets, all make sense for this project.

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