Run frontend of popular dApps locally for increased security & decentralisation, launch from within a desktop app. No more drainers and frontend hacks! Drew Localhost has you covered
Drew Localhost is a MacOS native application with embedded web-browser, powered by Drew Package Manager. We use Docker and Node.js to execute js deployment scripts called formulas. Each formula turns dApp source code into deployed contracts and off-chain services. Drew Localhost contains a batch of formulas for superchain's most used dApps, starting with Uniswap, with others in the pipeline (subject to source code availability). Drew Localhost deploys local frontend for all of these dApps seamlessly and without need to study the code, with trust powered by EAS attestation of the correctness of the deployment check sum.
The project utilizes open source formula execution engine Drew. It uses Docker as execution environment and workload orchestrator. The registry will be stored in the EAS attestations published in IPFS. The formulas stored publicly in github and could be changed as any other open source software. The MacOS app will take the supported formulas for each particular chain and deploys it with Drew.
Formula that we are using for Uniswap: Mac app repo:
Mac app repo contains a link to an app package that can be tested locally on a mac machine