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Dream Date World (DDW Ads)

For our Advertisement partners, we index user data, and give them an interface to show their ad videos to our users

Dream Date World (DDW Ads)

Created At


Project Description

Advertisers can choose keywords for which users are indexed based on their likes and interests. Each Keyword has different price. Advertisers will choose how many watch counts and what keywords they want to target, They will get a price quotation, and will have to lock in some TFIL to start their ad campaign. Based on how many people watched their Ads, they will be charged. At any moment, they can withdraw their locked TFIL which has not been used.

How it's Made

The project uses:

  1. Hardhat for solidity compilation and ABI generation
  2. Ethers.js for contract interface
  3. FVM Wallaby Network Blockchain deployment, actor address: 0x8C0E55B1bE4500c8b7827147e32472B0eD12eeCc
  4. smart contract:
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