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Donat3 is the easiest crypto donation platform ever built. Donors make donations in any token on any chain & orgs login with Google to create/manage their accounts & withdraw to their exchange with 1 button. No bridging, no trading, no private keys. Crypto Fundraising Simplified.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Chainlink - Chainlink CCIP Winner

Safe - SAFE{CORE} PROTOCOL 4th Place

ENS - Best use of subname

Project Description

The goal of Donat3 is to simplify the user experience of crypto fundraising.

Non-profits don’t want to learn how to use DEFIi, bridges, nor do they want to hold their own keys.

Donors want to be able to donate whatever token they have on whatever chain.

Donat3 gives both non-profits and donors the user experience they want!

With Donat3, organizations sign in with Google to create and manage their wallets. No private keys, no seed phrases, just Google. The non-profit enters their name, and Safe wallets are automatically generated with the same address across all of our 5 chains, and that address is given a donat3.eth sub-name, such as "unicef.donat3.eth," using ENS’ off-chain capabilities.

We really don’t know how it could be easier. After 2 clicks and typing out the name of their org, non-profits are able to the accept crypto donations on our 5 supported chains: Arbitrum, Base, BNB, Optimism & Polygon (Ethereum is omitted for the hackathon just because of gas costs).

Donors can donate any major token on any of our chains, and it is converted to USDC, using 1inch for the project.

When orgs want to withdraw, they push 1 button and all the funds they have on all chains are bridged to Base using Chainlink’s CCIP and sent to Coinbase.

The opportunity for user errors are GREATLY reduced. Donors can donate any token and nonprofits can withdraw without having to figure out bridging, swapping, or even holding private keys!

Beyond the donation use case, Donat3 allows anyone to create a low friction crypto wallet and receive crypto from anyone in the world. We hope this can contribute to UNICEF's mission of transferring aid funds worth hundreds of millions of dollars to vulnerable individuals worldwide. Our platform makes it easy to leverage cryptocurrencies into this process, aiming to enhance transparency, speed, and cost-efficiency. We envision our technology enabling the direct transfer of aid funds to organizations and people in need, in countries all over the world.

By embracing cryptocurrencies, Donat3 offers a solution that enhances transparency in fund transfers, accelerates transaction speed, and significantly reduces operational costs compared to traditional methods. It has the potential to make positive impact in the following SDGs: 1: End Poverty in all its forms everywhere, 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, 9: Industry¸ Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequalities, 16: Peace¸ Justice and Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships for the Goals

How it's Made

Creating Donat3 involved leveraging various technologies and integrations to streamline the donation process for both organizations and donors. Here's key components:

Technologies Used:

  • Safe SDK for Account Abstraction: Used Safe SDK to enable organizations to create and manage wallets seamlessly through email sign-up, ensuring a secure and straightforward process.

  • ENS Integration for ENS Sub-Names: Leveraged ENS to automatically generate sub-names (e.g., unicef.donat3.eth) for organizations, simplifying the acceptance of crypto payments across supported chains.

  • 1inch for Token Swapping: Integrated 1inch to facilitate the conversion of received tokens into USDC, ensuring stability and ease of management.

  • Chainlink's CCIP for Bridging: Utilized Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to enable organizations to withdraw accumulated tokens to Base

  • One button click for Coinbase Withdrawals: We batch the bridging transaction along with the withdraw transaction to simplify the user experience for nonprofits using Donat3

  • Nouns Meme Power: ⌐◨-◨

Project Development Process:

  • Organization Onboarding and Wallet Creation: Implemented Safe SDK to allow organizations to sign up with google and effortlessly create wallets. Automated the generation of ENS sub-names for each organization (e.g.,unicef.donat3.eth) upon sign-up.

  • Donation Process: Integrated connect wallet functionality for donors to select and contribute their desired tokens across supported blockchains. Implemented mechanisms to securely receive tokens in the organization's AA wallet and utilize 1inch for token swapping to USDC.

  • Withdrawal Mechanism: Established a withdrawal process leveraging Chainlink's CCIP to facilitate the transfer of accumulated USDC or tokens from the organization's wallet to their designated CEX addresses.

Notable Points and Innovations:

  • Seamless Account Creation: The integration of Safe SDK enabled a smooth and secure wallet creation process for organizations, enhancing user experience.

  • Same Address on Every Chain: Used a cool hack to deploy each Safe wallet with the same address on every chain, simplifying the crypto complications for the user.

  • Automated ENS Sub-Names: The automatic generation of ENS sub-names streamlined the donation process, making it easier for organizations to receive payments across different chains without additional setup.

  • Token Swap for Stability: Leveraging 1inch for token swapping ensured stability by converting received tokens into USDC, simplifying management and handling of donations.

  • Cross-Chain Withdrawals: Utilizing Chainlink's CCIP allowed for cross-chain interoperability, facilitating the withdrawal of tokens from the organization's wallet to centralized exchange addresses, enhancing flexibility in managing donations.

The project's success hinged on the seamless integration of these technologies, ensuring a user-friendly, secure, and efficient donation platform that benefits both organizations and donors while maintaining simplicity and accessibility in the donation process.

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