Simplify multi-chain markets/networks and collateralized lending
Message sender creates a message intended for the receiver blockchain. This message is then warped and routed with the necessary information required by the IBC protocol. Sender sends the message to the Hyperlane Messaging System. This system is responsible for ensuring the secure and efficient delivery of the message to the receiver blockchain. Relayers listen for messages on the sender blockchain and relay them to the Hyperlane Messaging System. They also submit proofs of the messages to the receiver blockchain to facilitate message delivery. Hyperlane Messaging System processes the incoming message, ensuring that it follows the IBC protocol standards. It checks the authenticity and integrity of the message before forwarding it to the receiver blockchain.
Using the Hyperlane-deploy docs, I started by testing the functionality of the base warp routes. I then proceeded to develop a simple mailbox for receiving messages. I started with a 20 bit hexadecimal and string need to pad it to make it fit within the repo constraints. Adding custom ISM modules into mix made it.a little more complex but gave power to router and message center.