Incentivizing documentation creators by storing encrypted files on IPFS using FVM and rewarding them based on usage
Incentivizing documentation creators by storing encrypted files on IPFS using FVM's lighthouse, restricting access to each page by those holding specific NFTs. Each NFT mint is free (using AA). The NFTs minted is used to count the number of new users using the project in a month.
Each project can incentivize creation of docs by putting a pool of money distributed to creators based on the usage statistics.
The payment can be streamed using Superfluid. The whole experience can be web2 like using the concept of paymasters and Account Abstraction.
The docs can be deployed to a modified version of docusaurus.
Lighthouse on top of FVM to manage file upload and access. Superfluid to stream payments. Zerodev's Polygon bundler/paymasters to stream payments and for NFT contracts. Ethers for front end code with react components. Ethereum Foundation's Bundler and Paymaster concepts are used to provide a better experience to the end user.