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Do it together

Community project to customize objects on the blockchain. We unite the virtual world and the real world with the use of nfc card to recover its purchase.

Do it together

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Polygon - Best Use of Polygon CDK 3rd place

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project consists of bringing together the largest possible community around art. Each person can contribute to a project, bring his touch and be able to buy the virtual object at the end via an auction. In addition, the connection to our site does not require a wallet thanks to Web3Auth.

We own our own blockchain under polygon CDK to have total control and be independent. And we're using AI - Galadriel blockchain too to analysis NFSW content for the creation tool system.

How it's Made

To secure this, we use Worldcoin to ensure that everyone can only participate once. Polygon’s CDK in order to have our blockchain with our nodes. Filecoin to use IPFS on blockchain and Web3Auth for everyone to connect. We also use NFC cards and a card reader so that the user can recover his purchase during the auction if he wins. Galadriel blockchain analysis NFSW content for the creation tool system. Finally, regarding the modeling of the cube, we use Three.js to have a 3D cube in our site.

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