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Voices United, Grievances Resolved, A Decentralized Tomorrow.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

The decentralized complaint platform emerges as a transformative solution to longstanding challenges in citizen-government interactions. By streamlining the communication process, it efficiently addresses and resolves citizen grievances, fostering a transparent and accountable relationship between the public and government bodies. Through the innovative use of blockchain technology, the platform ensures data integrity, immutability, and decentralization, reducing the risk of censorship and promoting trust in the complaint resolution process. By allowing citizens to directly tag and notify the relevant authorities, the platform instills a sense of direct accountability, encouraging government bodies to respond promptly to community concerns. Public visibility of complaints and their resolutions enhances transparency in governance, fostering an open dialogue that empowers citizens to actively participate in shaping their communities. This inclusive platform transcends geographical boundaries, providing a voice to citizens from diverse backgrounds. Ultimately, the decentralized complaint platform not only expedites the resolution of issues but also cultivates a civic environment where citizens are engaged, informed, and confident in the responsiveness of their governing institutions.


How it's Made

The decentralized complaint platform encountered significant hurdles, primarily revolving around the integration of ethers.js and the complexities associated with version compatibility. The team grappled with inconsistent or insufficient documentation for specific ethers.js versions, leading to confusion during the integration process. Managing dependencies and mitigating conflicts with other libraries within the project further complicated the situation. Limited community support for certain ethers.js versions hindered the team's ability to find timely solutions to version-specific issues. However in the end found the stable version to solve the errors

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