Adding IPFS capabilities to the Simple Gallery FOSS application.
The aim of this project is to explore IPFS capabilities on Android. We took an open-source photo gallery application called Simple Gallery and added IPFS capabilities to it. We wanted to create something that would compete with Google Photo in terms of shareability of pictures with loved ones.
By enabling the backup in the setting screen, you enable automatic backup of all pictures within the gallery to IPFS. Second, in the detail view of the picture, you can open the same picture on IPFS (via gateway). Sharing and sync have not been implemented yet.
We used infura API gateway to upload the pictures to IPFS. We looked into building go-ipfs onto Android but that was quite a challenge. We also played with native script to run 3box but that failed as well (web crypto not implemented).
Originally, we intended to build a system in which you could sync and share with friends. We ended with a simple upload to IPFS.
We learnt a lot.