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This is a web3 version of the FAQ tool. By recording and storing questions from community members and the contributors' answers to them on-chain, the community itself can build the project's FAQ site.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

Project Description

There are many web3 projects in the world today, and the work of community managers and community moderators is becoming more and more demanding every day. One of their main tasks is to answer questions within the community. However, the same questions are asked over and over again on Discord because the threads are cluttered and the search performance is not high. Also, tools such as Discorse Forum, while useful, are not ideal for FAQ sites due to their multifunctionality. Furthermore, without aggregating all the responses on the Discord or in the tool, it is not possible to visualize the contribution of the respondents. This situation and the lack of optimal tools places an undue burden on community managers.

DFAQ solves these problems by recording questions and answers in the community on-chain and issuing proof of performance of contributors' contributions.

First, the community manager creates a new Project in DFAQ and shares the link with the community. Next, community members post questions to the DFAQ. Then, contributors can post answers to the questions on the DFAQ. The contributor will then receive a certificate of having "answered a particular question in a particular community.

In addition, questions and answers are accumulated, so the more people use DFAQ, the better the community's FAQ site will become, and the less likely it is that the same question will be asked over and over again.

How it's Made

DFAQ utilizes Tableland to store all project information, questions and answers for each project. (Currently, DFAQ uses the operator's private key on the back end to perform table operations, so users do not have to pay for gas directly.) is also used to store project icon images. Ceramic Network is also used to issue proof of the contributor's answers, while linking them to the contributor's DID.

Currently, only text can be entered for questions and answers, but after the hackathon, we would like to develop a system that can also record data such as images using and Filecoin. In addition, to make the product actually usable, I would also like to develop a function that allows users to rate answers and send tips.

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