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Deximpli is a cross-chain dapp built on Base, Optimism, Mode, and Celo. It offers a user-friendly experience for token swaps, liquidity provision, staking, yield farming, and lending. Unique features include sending crypto via email (no wallet needed) and a cross-chain bridge.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

Deximpli is a comprehensive DeFi platform built on Base, Optimism, Mode, and Celo, designed to revolutionize how users interact with cryptocurrency. It offers a suite of features:

Crypto Transfers via Email: Send crypto directly to any email address. Recipients don't need an account or wallet; they just need an email address to receive funds. Withdrawal requires proof of email ownership, utilizing account abstraction and zero-knowledge proofs.

Decentralized Exchange (DEX): Swap tokens seamlessly using our custom Automated Market Maker (AMM) with Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) functionality. Users can provide liquidity, earn rewards, and enjoy dynamic fee adjustments based on market conditions.

Cross-Chain Bridge: Transfer assets across different blockchains, enhancing interoperability and expanding your trading possibilities.

Lending and Borrowing: Access multi-collateral loans with adjustable interest rates. Use liquidity pools from the DEX to build price feed oracles. Includes a feature for liquidating borrowers with low health status.

Staking and Yield Farming: Stake multiple assets and benefit from auto-compounding rewards. Diversify your investments with multi-asset staking and optimize your earnings over time.

Arbitrage Incentives: Encourage arbitrage to balance prices across platforms and improve market efficiency.

How it's Made

Deximpli is a cutting-edge DeFi platform built using a blend of advanced technologies, ensuring a robust, user-friendly experience. Here’s a breakdown of how we built it:

Blockchain Networks: Deximpli operates on Mode testnet, Base Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, and Celo Alfajores, providing a diverse and secure environment for different functionalities and cross-chain interactions.

Blockchain Smart Contract Verification: We use BlockScout for verifying smart contracts, ensuring transparency and reliability of our on-chain code.

Cross-Chain Bridge: ChainLink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) facilitates secure and seamless asset transfers between different blockchains, enhancing the platform's interoperability.

Smart Contract Development Framework: Hardhat is employed for developing, testing, and deploying our smart contracts. It offers an efficient development environment with powerful testing capabilities.

Account Abstraction and Zero-Knowledge Smart Contracts: Foundry is utilized for developing account abstraction (AA) and zero-knowledge (ZK) smart contracts. This framework enables advanced features like email-based crypto transfers with secure proof mechanisms.

Frontend Development Framework: Next.js powers our frontend, delivering a fast and responsive user interface. It integrates smoothly with our backend and blockchain components for a cohesive user experience.

Off-Chain Database: We use PostgreSQL to manage off-chain data, supporting features such as user profiles and transaction records efficiently and reliably.

Notable Highlights:

Email-Based Crypto Transfers: One of the most innovative aspects of Deximpli is the ability to send crypto to any email address without requiring the recipient to have a wallet. This feature leverages account abstraction and zero-knowledge proofs to ensure security and simplicity.

Custom AMM and CPMM: Instead of relying on existing AMM protocols, we developed our own Automated Market Maker (AMM) with Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) functionalities, tailored to our specific requirements.

Dynamic Fee and Price Oracle Integration: The platform includes a dynamic fee model and integrates with decentralized oracles for real-time price data, optimizing liquidity and trading efficiency.

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