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A Decentralized freelancing platform connecting businesses and professionals


Created At


Winner of

Family - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

DeWork is a Decentralized freelancing platform connecting businesses and professionals powered by GHO stablecoin.

  • GHO token is bridged from Sepolia using Lock and Mint model and used in DeWork protool on Polygon Mumbai to avoid high gas fees to freelancers.
  • Once a propsal is accepted, GHO is locked in DeWork contract and released upon job completion.

How it's Made

We have leveraged below technologies to build this protocol : Next JS,Typescript,Connectkit,wagmi and GHO stablecoin.

CCIP is conceptualized to be used as a bridge for GHO where a LnM (Lock and Mint) token model is thought of where a synthetic version of GHO is being used on Polygon Mumbai testnet

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