DeTRep is decentralization Twitter Reputation Platform which will decide the reputation of the Twitter user based on the rating given by the DAO users
DeTRep is DAO to rate twitter posts and thereby calculate a reputation score for Twitter users. DAO users can ask for any Twitter user to be rated and the app automatically fetches the latest 30 tweets /retweets made by the user their tweets are rated based on if they are fact /fake/ sarcasm and the next version will also include parody/hate/foul language/ porn ratings etc and users reputation will be calculated mix of this ratings. This exercise will continue by pulling new tweets as they are posted by the users. This will help people to follow /unfollow Twitter influencers based on the ratings.
DAO Contract is made by Open zeppelin Governance contracts. However, due to the size issue faced redundant code has been deleted and customization changes are added to the code
ERC20 contract : 0x05D22Dc85fb789A4205A534909838832bF2d4Fb5
DAO contract: 0xDb40e5f0f55b11C372fc742B774300a7C3A13186