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A Decentralized Peer 2 Peer Carpooling Application based on EVM Chains.


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🏊 Mode β€” Prize Pool

Project Description

dePool is a decentralized peer-to-peer carpooling app that aims to reduce traffic congestion and promote a more sustainable approach to transportation, and allow the general public to find affordable rides to their destinations. The app allows drivers to share rides with passengers who are traveling in the same direction, thereby reducing the number of cars on the road. dePool provides a secure and reliable platform for carpooling. By reducing the number of cars on the road and promoting ride-sharing, dePool is helping to reduce carbon emissions and promote a more sustainable transportation system.

As future prospects, I aim to integrate XMTP, a decentralized messaging protocol so that drivers and riders can communicate in a decentralized manner, integrate Worldcoin Sign In to verify that every ride being created or booked is from an actual human. An open source maps service will be integrated for better location access. I also aim to integrate Lens Profiles and ENS names for less reliability on complete addresses. Apart from these, to make the process even smoother for general public, we will add email login (social login) so that users don’t need web3 knowledge and wallets to use the application. A rating system will also be added so that a sense of trust can be created among the users.

How it's Made

The backend for the project is based on a Smart Contract that handles ride creation and booking. It also contains human registration. The project is developed using NextJs and The Graph is being used for querying the data from the contract. The contract itself is deployed on Optimism Goerli, Base Goerli, and Zora Goerli

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