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News aggregator platform built on Web3 stack providing incentives and tools to prevent fake news & get reliable info


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


✨ Worldcoin — Honorable mention

Project Description

This project combines user-friendly UI/UX to get the most recent news and Web3-based mechanics to debunk misinformation. These mechanics include:

  • NFT labels of fake data
  • Decentralized voting
  • Economic incentives for special members - News Validators - to find reliable info across the net and provide evidence. -Holding of platform tokens which allows users to participate in exposing fakes

Important part of UX(as its a problem for users nowadays to get news in convenient way from one digital source) is the recommendation algorithm which helps users to explore articles about a topic to gain more perspective on a story.

How it's Made

IPFS/Filecoin is used to store all fake news/data converted into NFT. Its crucial to verify real users and News Validators so we are going to implement Worldcoins system. We start with Polygon as one of the most convenient side-chains with cheap fees and fast txs. Used EPNS for notifications about decentralized voting process.

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