Building decentralized and inclusive job opportunities for the creators of the future.
Hey! We’re Denetwork, a decentralized social network focused on efficient job acquisition inside Latin American communities. We are creating a platform that will allow freelancers and Web3 builders to upload their entire portfolios and projects so they can find each other and make the hiring process easier. We believe that finding a Web3 job may be harder for Latin Americans not only because of the language barriers but also by the payment difficulties presented in some countries. That’s why we want to provide a multilingual and on-chain platform built inside Polygon. The main idea is to empower the community by incentivizing the visibility of professional portfolios so anyone can see their abilities. We’re also onboarding Latin American communities by providing a safe decentralized space to find a well and secure paid job. We’re solving the language barrier problem by adding different languages, so any Latin American be able to provide their services and look for jobs and creators without understanding issues. We’re focusing on the development of an inclusive environment by bringing job opportunities, that’s why we want to contest for the Etherium Foundation prize.
This platform begins by connecting your wallet with Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, Wallet Connect, and Web3 auth (Google account and 2FA), and confirming the profile sign we’re using Metamask. To support the social network structure we’re using Lens Protocol, to build it in a decentralized manner. To notify the freelancer when is selected to develop a project, we will use Push EPNS.
The process for securing the payment method for the creator begins when a Project Builder submits his project into the platform and sets up a determined quote that gets locked up until the project finds the needed freelancer, then the freelancer needs to apply for the project so the builder checks their portfolio to verify the required abilities. The next step is a double confirmation from the builder and the freelancer. If both confirm, the quote for the project is unlocked and paid to the freelancer. If the abilities don’t match with the project, then the amount is returned to the project builder. This is the main feature that set us apart from other platforms like LinkedIn, Workana, and Upwork.
To create these features we’re using the following tools: Cow Swap can facilitate the payment in the available assets from the project side and as the freelancer wish to receive. Continuously monthly payments will be possible thanks to the stream transactions of Superfluid. With Ripio, we would love to see more features by them, but we’re using it to know the Bitcoin Value in USDC We’re also using Solidity to combine all these features and make possible the transaction.