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Buy, sell and trade datasets as tokens to boost it's credibility, tracking ownership starting with survey data today


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

Problem: Trust and Data Ownership: Traditional marketplaces require users to trust a central authority with their data. Data Quality and Authenticity: Ensuring the quality and provenance of data is challenging. Pricing and Value Assessment: Data is difficult to price, and its value varies greatly depending on use case. Inefficient Transactions: Traditional marketplaces involve intermediaries, leading to higher costs and slower processes. Limited Access and Control: Users often have limited control over their data and how it's used. Data Silos: Lack of interoperability between different data sources and platforms. Solution: Decentralization and Smart Contracts: Eliminates the need for a central authority, enhancing trust and transparency. Automates transactions and licensing through smart contracts, reducing intermediaries. Tokenization of Datasets: Represents datasets as unique tokens (NFTs), allowing for clear ownership and provenance tracking. Enables fractional ownership, making valuable datasets more accessible.

How it's Made

We are deploying this on @rootstock to leverage both BTC and ETH network in-case of staking powers in the future. We are using @privy for account abstraction that enables smooth onboarding for crypto and non-crypto users (facing one obstacle)

Integration and Interaction: User Interface: Built with React, providing a dynamic, responsive interface. Blockchain Interaction: Ether.js facilitates communication between the frontend and the Ethereum blockchain, enabling seamless smart contract interaction and wallet integration. Smart Contracts: Solidity contracts handle core business logic, including minting DataTokens, managing listings, and facilitating transactions. Deployment: Contracts are deployed on Rootstock, leveraging Bitcoin network interoperability while utilizing Ethereum's smart contract functionality.

Stack used: React, Supabase, Rootstock, Privy SDK

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