Hack prevention through automated protocol pausing powered by ZK proofs
Defendoooor is a proof of concept at the idea stage that has the potential to make blockchains safer by incentivizing the identification of whitehat hacks to allow protocol pausing when a threat is identified.
Protocol can specify invariants that are not allowed to be violated - through this projects can make sure they always work as intended. If a valid transaction is found by a whitehat or in the mem pool, a zk proof can be created that allows the verifier contract to pause functions in the exploited smart contract - keeping funds safe.
Defendoor is fully decentralized, autonomous, and DoS resistant.
We use the zk-evm-circuits library [https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zkevm-circuits] in Rust for off-chain proof generation. Two smart contracts were written in Solidity; an exploitable demo contract and a verfier contract which verifies the proof of chain and subsequently pauses protocols by invoking the pause() function from the OpenZeppelin Pausable Module.