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Experiment. Evolve. Examine.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The current system of publishing research papers is a complex and competitive process that involves various steps and actors.

  • The Cost of publications is increasing by 10% every year.
  • The Creation of monopolies makes it difficult for scientists to publish their papers.
  • The Research review is currently disincentive. Our solution provides incentives to all reviewers based on their contribution.
  • It Creates a platform where investors can directly provide grants and fund these papers.


A decentralized platform that facilitates scientists and researchers in publishing their papers, securing grants and funding from investors, and offers a dedicated space for peer-reviewed research publication.


How it's Made

Finding a logic for the voting function was tiresome. Integrating the carbon credit offsetting was difficult. Initially, we had planned to include the safe kits for authenticating the sign-in pages, but as soon as we included the lighthouse for storage it created chaos.

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