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DeDe is a trustless scaling infrastructure for e-commerce & delivery platforms. Think of us as an L2 for deliveries like Amazon, DHL, FedEx, etc. We provide trustless deliveries while maintaining integrity and security.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Base - Build a Consumer Product 1st Place

Polygon - Best use of Polygon zkEVM

ENS - Best Use of Thorin

Ethereum Attestation Service - Best Use of Attestations

Project Description

DeDe (Decentralized Delivery Network) is designed to improve and scale the traditional delivery service landscape. It addresses critical issues like manpower, unpredictable volume surges, high delivery costs, tracking inaccuracies, limited service reach, and unfair courier compensation. By leveraging blockchain technology, DeDe ensures direct transactions between customers and couriers, leading to fairer compensation and reduced overall costs. The platform employs Proof of Interaction using ARX’s proprietary technology for real-time, accurate tracking, enhancing customer trust and courier accountability. Additionally, DeDe introduces a unique scoring system, the DeDe Score, based on courier performance and sender reliability, fostering trust within the network. The platform also features an anonymous messaging system for secure communication among participants. DeDe is not just a delivery service; it's a comprehensive ecosystem designed to make deliveries more efficient, transparent, and fair for all stakeholders.

How it's Made

The DeDe network is built on a robust blockchain framework, ensuring transparency and security. We used Ethereum for its widespread adoption and smart contract capabilities. The Proof of Interaction mechanism is implemented via smart contracts to record each delivery step on the blockchain, ensuring tamper-proof tracking. The DeDe Score system is also integrated into the blockchain, utilizing smart contracts to calculate scores based on verifiable transactions and feedback. We incorporated Worldcoin ID for identity verification, enhancing trust without compromising privacy. The anonymous messaging system is built using decentralized messaging protocols, ensuring secure and private communication. One notable hack was creating a dynamic fee structure, allowing couriers to set their rates based on various factors, managed through smart contract logic.

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