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DeCert is a blockchain-based application that will store and verify documents issued by the college to the students.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Every college can utilize this program, but let's use our college, VJTI, as an example to keep things simple. The VJTI email id must be entered whenever a person registers for the first time. The administrator will then verify this email address. After completing registration, students will view their student dashboard, which contains a list of all the documents that have been issued to them. There is a section in the document where students can ask for additions or revisions. There are various features on the admin dashboard, one of which is a section with a list of all the outstanding document requests. A page for issuing marksheets, transcripts, and graduation certificates is included in other parts. Bulk document issuance, or sending documents to several students at once, is a crucial admin-side capability.

The algorithm for document verification forms the basis of our project. We have used IPFS to store files including the documents that the organization has issued. In order to be verified, these documents have a QR code inserted in them. It is compared to the document with the QR code whenever a student uploads a document for verification.

How it's Made

This project uses the Hardhat framework for deploying smart contracts on the Polygon Mumbai network. Users can use the Metamask browser extension to log in to our website. For gasless transactions, Biconomy has been used. Express.js is used on the server side and React is used on the frontend.

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